Thursday, January 6, 2011

Our Commitment To YOU continues at 1 Stop Bead Shop

Your Questions/Comments Answered
Did you know 1 Stop has a suggestion box? We've received a number of good suggestions, and thought you might like to hear the answers. Look in this section each week for another answer to your questions.
Last week we answered about Advanced classes. Here's a question about beginner classes:
Question: Some classes are elementary. Could there be too many classes, emphasizing quantity over quality?
Answer: 1 Stop offers a large variety of beginner classes. Currently there are 54 Level 1 or 2 classes on the quarterly schedule. (Level 1 = Beginner; Level 2 = Advanced Beginner - no pre-req)
We have learned in 5 years of offering classes, that while we may "think" we know what people are going to sign up for, we don't always guess right. Frequently, potential students are strongly influenced by color or appearance. So we may offer several different classes that teach the same or similar techniques because people will choose based on personal taste of the final combination of design & color.
New beaders continue to come into the store on a daily basis. The best proof we have of a continued need for next step beginner classes, is that all our core beginner classes continue to fill to capacity nearly every month.
1 Stop Bead Shop has over 26 instructors who teach some or every quarter. Each instructor submits the classes they wish to teach for the quarter. Generally more classes are submitted than will actually fit on the schedule and some classes have to wait. We suggest product ideas, and seasonal theme ideas, and we ask that certain core or favorites classes be taught regularly, but ultimately it is the instructor who designs, creates and submits their choices.

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